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SFU Graduate Diploma “Teaching for Equity and Social Justice”

Hi Teachers!

Are you interested in inquiring into and deepening your understanding of racial inclusivity, sense of belonging, cultural humility, social justice and equity issues and more while developing teaching skills in these areas?

Here is the opportunity to engage in a professional learning opportunity through a Graduate Diploma in Education which begins January 2023!

Simon Fraser University is offering a Graduate Diploma with the theme “Teaching for Equity and Social Justice” designed in collaboration with Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows District that can support your learning journey. Please note this program is offered as a blended model (remote & in-person) and welcome educators from all districts.

For more information, see the brochure attached and visit the website link below to register for the information sessions. You are also invited to a sampler session on October 19, 2022 where you will have the opportunity to experience dimensions of this program online.

Please find attached the poster for the SFU Graduate Diploma Education program “Teaching for Equity and Social Justice-Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows” for the Spring 2023 semester.  Please see the link below for more information on SFU’s Graduate Diploma programs. If you know other teachers interested in this professional learning opportunity, please feel free to share this information with them too.

The website link for the program information is:

The application deadline is  November 7th, 2022.  If you have questions about the program, please email Jas Uppal Hershorn (

Poster- GDE -Teaching for Equity and Social Justice

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