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Professional Learning Opportunities


Site-based Mentorship is for supporting our Elementary Schools, Secondary Schools and Learning Centres by co-creating a culture of mentorship at each site. We envision schools and mentorship as complex systems where teams of people come together to learn and grow. We provide teachers space and time to cultivate capacities to create, nurture and sustain thriving, equitable and inclusive cultures across classrooms, departments, and schools where wellness, belonging and learning are central. Our hope is to be able to provide the learning, tools and structures to build mentor capacities to support early career teachers in the development of their professional aspirations and learning.

1:1 Partnerships:

1:1 Partnerships support teachers outside of a site-based school. Partnerships provide personalized guidance and support to facilitate professional and personal development, enhance well-being and a sense of belonging.


Cohorts support teachers who teach a specialized area, such as Core French, Core Music, and Teacher-Librarian. Cohorts collaborate and learn with colleagues who understand one another’s work. Cohorts know how impactful it is to connect with other specialist teachers as it supports well-being and creates a strong sense of belonging.


TBD as the new year is planned. Please look for information here and on Teams for upcoming opportunities for Mentors, Early Career Teachers and TTOCs.

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